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September 2015

May 2016

Charlie And the Chocolate Factory

On the 23rd May the 1ère and 6emeE performed Charlie and the Chocolate factory to a packed house. The Musical was written and performed by the 1ère and the 6eme danced their socks off under the guise of the oompa-loompas.


There were 3 performances during the day which were met with huge applause and appreciation from the audience. Well done and thankyou to all the students that were involed and a special thanks to Mrs Hemming and Mrs Gayet who helped to organise the whole affair. Check out the photos and see you next year!

Matilda Sketches 5emeE

After reading the book Matilda by Roald Dahl and watching a few scenes from the film, the 5eme E wrote and performed their own scenes based on the story, here they are........

February 2016

Harry Potter Sketches 6emeE

January 2016

A letter from the Queen 

A new year and a wonderful surprise! Some students in 5eme Euro, wrote a letter to Queen Elizabeth and surprise surprise, she replied! Here is her reply....

December 2015

The logical Song 2nde Euro

The 2ndes Euros studied this song by Supertramp in class and then performed it at the fete du lycée just before the christmas holidays..Have a listen..

The Logical Song - 2nde Euro
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Oxford with the 5eme E

Here are some photos from our trip to Oxford with the 5eme Euro in December. The students stayed in host families and visits included; Christchurch College, Canterbury, Windsor and Harry Potter World. A great trip enjoyed by all..

November 2015

Advertising with the 1ère

Check out these adverts produced by the 1ère Euro with Mrs Hemming 

October 2015

Learning Nationalities with the 6eme E

Check out these short sketches with the 6ème Euro: Hello, where are you from? 

Boston Exchange Part 2

From Mesnil Esnard, France to Boston, USA. The second part of the Boston exchange saw 20 terminale students travel to Boston to meet up with their exchanges partners. Visits included; the Mayflower, Salem, MIT, New York as well as local sports events in the town of Chelmsford. An experience that will not be forgotten and a big thanks to everyone involoved!

September 2015

Back to school with the 6eme Euro

Back to School and the 6eme Euro's first production - a days of the week poem. 


Click on the link below to listen to the Poem

Days of The Week - 6eme Euro
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Meenah Khan Court Case 1ere Euro

The 1ere Euro acted out a mock court case on the subject of arranged marraige. After the court case they assumed the roles of the various characters and created a news report on the trial..


Here are the results...

Witness to a crime 4eme Euro

A mysterious drowning - Unknown Artist
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Murder at the cathedral - Unknown Artist
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Betty Macbeth - Unknown Artist
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Bank Robbery in Paris - Unknown Artist
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Pickpocketing - Unknown Artist
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Young girl is kidnapped - Unknown Artist
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Man hits girl - Unknown Artist
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Bank Robbery - Unknown Artist
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Candy shop kidnapping - Unknown Artist
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Inspector Agathe - Unknown Artist
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Mrs Barry kidnapped! - Unknown Artist
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Quick a thief! - Unknown Artist
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Sherlock Holmes Investigates - Unknown Artist
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Drug deal - Unknown Artist
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End of School Year

June 2015

Lion King: The Musical

On the 2nd of June the 1ère Euro performed the musical 'The Lion King' to various audiences throughout the day. The 6E provided the backing vocals in the form of a beautiful choir. The musical was written by the 1ère Euro class and a fantastic day was had by all. A big thanks to Mrs Hemming Mrs Gayet and Miss Jeanne for all your hard work and we look forward to a repeat performance next year. In the mean time enjoy the photos and videos....!

Sherlock Holmes

The 2nde Euro performed some scenes from Sherlock Holmes in class today with Mrs Pruvost.


After watching the play 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' at the theatre and reading the book the students were put into small groups to perform some selected scene.


Here's an example of their work.

April 2015

Harry Potter Orienteering Race

On Monday the 20th, we did an orienteering race. For that we had to be in teams of two in our Harry Potter Houses. The Objective was to find fourteen bags with a peice of a long sentence about Albus Dumbledore. At the end we had to find the complete sentence to win a prize (Reese's Chocolates yum yum!). My team, Ravenclaw arrived second for the sentence and third for the orienteering race. Mr Grout made the race and John and Mrs Gayet went to see us. the race was exhausting but very good! 

Marion Delafontaine

On Monday I had an orienteering race on the theme of Harry Potter. My partner was Mathéo. There were 14 bags to find, we started after 4 minutes and we finished after 33.11 minutes. I think the bags were difficult to find. I had a great time because we learned 'team spirit'.

Sèraphin Hacquin


On Wednesday 15th April Clarisse Mahé, Jean Nannarone, Léa Campant and Théophile Langanay travelled to Lycée Galilée to compete in the final of the regional debates in English. The motion debated was:


'The biggest obstacle to progress for the human race, is the human race itself'  


They met strong opposition from Lycée Flaubert but through convincing arguments and good teamwork emerged victorious! Well done to everyone involved and thanks again to Mrs Hemming for all her help and enthusiasm.



March 2015

Theatre trip with 2nde Euro

"Sherlock Holmes

Hound of the Baskervilles"

On Thursday the 19th of March the 2nde Euro took the bus (and tram) to the Charles Dullin Theatre to watch Sherlock Holmes, Hound of the Baskervilles. They had also read the book and here are some of thier reviews of both the written and theatrical version. 

Cambridge Exchange

On Thursday the 26th of March the first part of the annual exchange took place with The Perse School, Cambridge.


Many of the 4eme Euro students recieved an exchange partner and here are a few of their experiences. The 4eme will travel to Cambridge on the 18th June.

A Radio play...........4eme Euro

After listening to a few radio plays in class, the 4eme Euro are now producing their own. Here are the first 2 chapters of this frightening story..... The first chapter was done together and the second they prepared from scratch on their own

The Wood House Chapter 1 - Unknown Artist
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The Wood House Chapter 1 - Unknown Artist
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The Wood House Chapter 2 - Unknown Artist
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The Wood House Chapter 2 - Unknown Artist
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The Wood House Chapter 2 - Unknown Artist
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The Wood House Chapter 2 - Unknown Artist
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The Wood House Chapter 2 - Unknown Artist
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Boston Exchange

As part of a two-year exchange, the 1ère Euro welcomed eight students from Chelmsford just outside Boston, USA. From the 8th-22nd February these eight students will be staying with their French exchange partners, going to class with them as well as visiting Normandy and Paris. On Friday 13th a welcome dinner was held at the school and the local newspaper 'Paris Normandie' came to take some photos for an article on the trip. It has been a great experience for everyone involved and some new friendships have been forged. The return trip to Boston will take place in the next school year; 2016 and we are already looking forward to it immensley. A big thanks to the organisers: Mrs Hemming, Mrs Dumouchel and Mrs Lefevbre.

February 2015

New York, New York....

The students in 2nde Euro have been studying NYC and have each produced an audio guide on a famous monument or site. Here are a few examples.....


A huge congratulations goes to Clarisse Mahé, Jean Nannarone, Léa Campant and Théophile Langanay who represented La Providence at the regional debates on Wednesday 11th February. They beat 3 very good teams from other Lycées to reach the final against Lycée Flaubert on the 15th April. It was a fantastic performance from all four of our students and we can't wait for the final. There are more photos on the Académie website below and of course more news to come in April.....

January 2015

I Promise.....


New year's resolution poem with the 5eme E

Happy New Year!

The 6eme E want to wish you all a happy new year with this little poem.

Happy New Year!

Horay Horay, happy New Year, best wishes for the future

New Years come and New Years go, time flies you know..

Do your best, don't worry, have fun and be happy!

December 2014

5eme and Terminale trip to London

The 5eme E and the Terminale Euro went to London together from the 1st to the 4th of December. The trip was organised by Mrs Gayet and Mrs Hemming and included visiting the Science Museum, The BBC and going to the musical, Matilda. We saw many sights such as The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey and there was also time for shopping at Convent Garden, Harrods and Primark.


A great trip and lots of fun had by all...

Hot off the Press with the 2nde Euro

After studying a Google Good News page about spoof stories with Mrs Pruvost, the 2nde Euro class went to the press room. In small groups they were given one hour to produce the front page of an online newspaper. There was one Editor in each group who was responsible for the content and the page layout. The other team members acted as journalists to produce spoof headlines for the frontpage. The deadline was met succesfully and the front pages were emailed and is the fruit of their labour.

Pronunciation Poem 4eme Euro

The 4eme Euro class studied and learnt a pronunciation poem, here are some examples...

Advertising with the 1ère

Check out these adverts produced by the 1ère Euro with Mrs Hemming 

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